Drag and Drop Hyperlinks in Safari: Save 10 Steps!
If you do a lot of blogging, you'll need to add hyperlinks to your posts. You can always do it old school:
- Open a browser window for your new post and another window for the page that you want to link to in your post.
- Select the text of hyperlink and copy it (Cmd - C)
- Switch windows (Cmd-`) or browser tabs (Ctrl - Tab) to your post
- Then paste it into your post without formatting (Cmd - Opt - Shift - V). In desperate circumstances, you can also type it out by hand.
- Switch back to the original browser window (Cmd-`) or browser tab (Ctrl - Tab)
- Select the link address (Cmd - L)
- Copy the link (Cmd - C)
- Switch windows (Cmd-`) or browser tabs (Ctrl - Tab) back to your post.
- Select the text you pasted before.
- Click the Insert Hyperlink button.
- Paste (Cmd - V) the link into the hyperlink field.
- Click OK.

- Open a browser window for your new post and another window for the page that you want to link to in your post.
- Click and drag the site icon at the left of the address bar from the page you want to link to, and drop it into the text field for your new post.
Done! That's it. Safari will use the Page Title text as the text of your hyperlink, and insert the hyperlink itself.
I've tested this on WordPress.com and Blogger.com and it works every time. I've tried to duplicate this behavior in Firefox and Google Chrome. It only works in Safari.
Now the only question is what you're going to do with all the time you save!